Friday, 7 August 2015

How To Get Rid Of Shingles Pain & Scars Instantly

Shingles or herpes zoster is a painful skin condition that occurs due to the virus called varicella-zoster, the same virus, which also causes chicken pox. This virus generally affects a single nerve, but sometimes affects the adjacent nerves in the human body. Due to this action of the virus, the affected person gets itchy, red and painful rashes on the skin. The rashes then increase in size and get filled with fluid, often look like blisters. It generally appears on one side of the face or body in stripes. The shingles blisters take minimum of 7-10 days to crust and dry up.

Causes of Shingles

People who had already suffered from chicken pox are more prone to get shingles as the same virus varicella-zoster causes both the diseases. There is no clear proof why the chicken pox- affected people easily get affected by shingles. But it may be due to the fact that chicken pox affects the immunity of a person and weakens it. So the weakened immune system makes way for the virus to become active again and cause shingles. Apart from that it also affects the person due to the following reasons.
  • A weakened immune system due to some other diseases like HIV, cancer, diabetes, etc.
  • People older than 50 years of age, easily get affected by this virus.
  • Stress also makes the person vulnerable to this skin condition
  • Intake of certain medicines, such as steroids that affect the immune system and make it weak.
  • If a woman gets affected by chicken pox during her pregnancy, then chances are there that the baby may get shingles in the first two years of his/her life.

Symptoms of Shingles

There are various symptoms that indicate that you are suffering from shingles. However, the symptoms are categorised as early and advanced, based on the stage of the shingles.
The early symptoms of shingles are:
  • Painful itching rashes on the affected area of the skin
  • Headache and fever
  • Indigestion problem
  • Sensitiveness towards light
The symptoms that you may experience at the later stage of shingles are:
  • A tingling sensation in certain areas of the body.
  • The rashes in the early stage become blisters and get filled with fluid.
  • A feeling of dizziness.
  • The rashes also start spreading.
  • You may also experience a change in your vision.

Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Shingles

There are many allopathic medicines to cure shingles, but we cannot rule out their side effects, whereas home remedies are cost-effective as well as come with no side effects. And at the same time home remedies are easily available and easy to follow.
Aloe Vera and Honey to Treat Shingles
It is a well-known fact that aloe vera is loaded with antiviral, antiparasitic, antifungal and skin healing properties and due to these properties, it is used in many skin care products. Its application offers a soothing effect to the skin by reducing the irritation or burning sensation. So in this regard it can be used to treat shingles, the associated pain and the shingles scars.
Honey, on the other hand, is loaded with antimicrobial, antibacterial and wound healing properties, thus can treat shingles effectively.
Things we need:
  • Aloe vera leaves – 3 to 4
  • Honey – 1 tbsp
  • A knife
  • A small bowl
  1. First take 3 to 4 aloe vera leaves and wash them in normal water to remove the dirt.
  2. With the help of a knife remove the thorns and the outer skin of the aloe vera leaves.
  3. Collect the aloe vera pulp in a bowl.
  4. Add 1 tbsp of honey to the aloe vera gel.
  5. Mix both the ingredients well and apply it on the shingles.
  6. Apply this aloe vera honey gel on the affected area two times a day to get best results.

Apply Only Aloe Vera Gel for Shingles

Things we need:
  • Aloe vera leaves – 2
  • A knife
  • A bowl
  1. Take the aloe vera leaves and wash them in clean water to remove the dirt from them.
  2. With the help of the knife, cut the thorns and the aloe vera leaves.
  3. Collect the gel in the bowl.
  4. Now, apply the aloe vera gel topically on the shingles in every 1 hour.
  5. Rub the affected place gently in circular motions.
  6. Within a week or so, you will notice that the shingles scars are decreasing.

Clover Honey or Manuka Honey Application for Shingles

Things we need:
  • Manuka or clover honey – as per the area affected by shingles
  1. Apply either manuka or clover honey on the shingles-affected area as both the types of the honey are loaded with antiviral properties.
  2. Use this remedy 4 to 5 times a day to get rid of shingles.

Turmeric Powder to Treat Shingles

Loaded with antiseptic properties, turmeric powder heals as well as cures the shingles properly.And at the same time it also helps to prevent shingles scars.
Things we need:
  • Turmeric powder – 2 tbsp
  • Water – 3 tbsp
  • A small bowl
  1. Take the turmeric powder in a small bowl.
  2. Add 3 tbsp of water to it and mix well to make a paste.
  3. Apply the paste on the affected area and leave for half an hour.
  4. Rinse with normal water.
  5. The everyday application of this remedy will help you to get rid of shingles scars effectively.

Liquorice Powder to Cure Shingles

 According to many studies, the antiviral property of liquorice powder helps to cure various skin diseases effectively including shingles.
Things we need:
  • Liquorice powder – 1 tsp
  • Water – 1 tsp
  • A small bowl
  1. In a small bowl take the liquorice powder.
  2. Add 1 tsp of water to it and mix well.
  3. Apply it on the affected area.
  4. This home remedy offers relief from shingles pain.

Garlic to Treat Shingles

The antiviral nature of garlic helps to heal the shingles and the pain. The natural properties of garlic can kill the bacteria, virus, parasites and fungi that cause shingles.
Things we need:
  • Garlic cloves – 6 to 7
  1. Take the garlic cloves and crush them to make a paste.
  2. Now apply the garlic paste on the areas affected by shingles.
  3. Leave it for 15 to 20 minutes on the affected area.
  4. Rinse the affected area with water.
  5. Use this remedy to get rid of shingles pain instantly.

Oatmeal Bath to Cure Shingles

Oatmeal has skin soothing properties, which heals the skin irritation and pain associated with shingles.
Things we need:
  • Fine oatmeal powder – 2 cups
  • Lukewarm water – full bathtub
  1. Take 2 cups of oatmeal powder and add it to the warm water in the bathtub.
  2. Stir it well to dissolve the oatmeal powder in the water.
  3. Soak your body in it for 10 to 15 minutes.
  4. Practice this remedy twice or thrice in a day to cure shingles.

Oatmeal Paste for Shingles

Things we need:
  • Coarsely powdered oatmeal – 1 tbsp
  • Water – 1 tbsp
  •  A small bowl
  1. Take the coarsely powdered oatmeal
  2. Add 1 tbsp of water to it and mix well to form a paste.
  3. Apply the paste on the shingles affected area.
  4. Allow it 10 minutes to dry completely.
  5. Rinse with warm water.
  6. Follow this remedy to get rid of shingles pain.

Apple Cider Vinegar for Shingles

Apple cider vinegar is loaded with antimicrobial and astringent properties that can help to eliminate the shingles blisters.
Things you need:
  • Apple cider vinegar – 2 tbsp
  • Cotton ball – 1 to 2
  1. Take 2 tbsp of apple cider vinegar in a bowl.
  2. Soak a cotton ball in it and apply it on the blisters.
  3. You will get relief from the pain related to shingles.
  4. You can also consume 2 tbsp of apple cider vinegar in water or any fruit juice to treat this condition internally.
  5. Use this remedy to get rid of shingles pain instantly.

Virgin Coconut Oil to Treat Shingles

Virgin coconut oil has anti- inflammatory and antiviral properties, which offers one of the most effective shingles remedies. Its application kills the virus and prevents it from affecting the skin further. It also helps to prevent shingles scars.
Things you need:
  • Virgin coconut oil – 2 tbsp
  • Cotton balls – 1 to 2
  1. Take virgin coconut oil in a bowl and soak a cotton ball in it.
  2. Apply the oil on the shingles blisters gently.
  3. 3.      This remedy should be used daily for shingles pain relief.

Cayenne Pepper and Aloe Vera for Shingles

Cayenne pepper is rich in anti- inflammatory properties. Apart from that it also contains a compound called capsaicin that acts as a natural anti-irritant, thus can help one to get rid of shingles pain instantly.
Things you need:
  • Cayenne pepper – 2 tbsp
  • Aloe vera gel – 2 tbsp
  • A small bowl
  1. Take 2 tbsp each of cayenne pepper and aloe vera gel in a small bowl.
  2. Mix both the ingredients well.
  3. Apply the mixture on the shingles affected area to get rid of the itching sensation on the skin.
  4. This remedy if followed regularly will help to reduce the skin irritation due to shingles.

Plantain to Treat Shingles

Plantain has the capability to treat shingles by relieving the pain and itching sensation associated with it.  It is one of the effective home remedies for shingles pain relief.
Things you need:
  • Plantain – 1
  • Warm water – 3 tbsp
  • A mixer grinder
  1. Peel the skin of the plantain and cut it into small pieces.
  2. Put the pieces in the mixer grinder and add 3 tbsp of warm water to it.
  3. Make a smooth paste.
  4. Apply this paste on the areas affected by shingles.
  5. It will help you to get rid of shingles pain instantly.
  6. To get better effects, you can add few mint leaves to it while making the plantain paste.

Green Tea Treatment for Shingles

Enriched with antiviral properties, green tea strengthens the immune system and prevents the shingles viruses grow further.
Things we need:
  • Green tea powder – 1 tsp
  • Water – 1 cup
  • A container – 1
  • Honey – 1 tsp
  • Lemon juice – 1 tbsp
  1. Take 1 cup of water in a container and add the green tea powder to it.
  2. Boil it in low flame for few minutes.
  3. Strain it and add the honey and lemon juice to it.
  4. Stir well and take the tea hot.
  5. Taking 2 to 3 cups of green tea in a day will prevent the shingles-causing virus to affect the nerves.

Warm Compress with Lemon Balm for Shingles

Belonging to the mint family, lemon balm is a calming herb, which offers relief to the shingles pain.  It offers an analgesic effect to the skin when applied. It offers one of the most effective home remedies for shingles pain relief.
Things you need:
  • Dried lemon balm – 2 tbsp
  • Water – 1 cup
  • A container
  • A towel
  1. Take 1 cup of water in a container and add 2 tbsp of dried lemon balm to it.
  2. Steep it for 4 to 5 minutes and wait till it comes to the room temperature.
  3. Take the towel and soak it in the compress.
  4. Wrap the area that is affected with shingle with this towel.
  5. Follow this remedy twice or thrice a day to get relief from shingles pain.

White Vinegar for Shingles

White vinegar when applied to the skin affected with shingles gives relief from the pain instantly. Its application also reduces the shingles scars.
Things you need:
  • White vinegar – 1 tsp
  • Water – 1 cup
  1. Add the white vinegar to the water and stir well.
  2. Soak a cotton ball in it and apply the solution on the blisters of the shingles.
  3. Apply this solution 4 to 5 times a day to get rid of the shingles pain and the itching sensation.

Some Other Remedies to Treat Shingles

Apart from the above home remedies that are mentioned in detail, there are also some other remedies, which you can use to treat shingles, its scars as well as reduce the pain associated with it.

Essential Oil:

You can apply any of the essential oils like eucalyptus, lemon or bergamot by diluting it with olive oil to reduce the shingles infection. The regular application of these oils can reduce as well as prevent shingles scars on the skin.

Hydrogen Peroxide:

You can also apply hydrogen peroxide on the shingles blisters to dry them quickly. It decreases the inflammation and infection on the skin.

Ice Pack: A

pply ice pack to the infected area to get rid of the shingles pain. Warp a few cubes of ice in a clean towel and apply it on the shingles.


: Aspirin is an anti-inflammatory drug, which can effectively treat the shingles by reducing the pain associated with it. Take 1 to 2 aspirin tablets and make a powder of them.  Now, mix 1 tsp of alcohol with the aspirin powder to make a thin paste. Apply the paste on the affected area to get rid of shingles pain instantly.
Cabbage Paste:
You can also apply cabbage paste to check the infection of the shingles. Take ¼ of a small cabbage. Clean it properly and make a smooth paste by grinding it. Apply this paste twice a day to remove the toxins from the affected area, thus quickening the healing process.

Tips to Reduce Shingles Pain

Shingles not only makes your skin look ugly, but also gives acute pain. So follow these tips to reduce the pain associated with shingles.
Do not Scratch the Shingles: Avoid scratching the itchy shingles otherwise it will increase the pain and make the situation worse. It may also increase the infection.
Apply Cool Compress: To reduce the pain, you can apply a cool compress. Application of calamine lotion gives a soothing and cooling effect to the shingles-affected skin, thus reduces the pain considerably.
Baking Soda Application: Baking soda or corn starch application on the blisters of the shingles can reduce the condition and give relief from the pain.

Tips to Prevent Shingles

Follow the home remedies along with the tips that are mentioned below to cure as well as prevent shingles to appear again.
Eat Healthy: We very well know that shingles affect the person with a low immunity system. So in this case, it is essential to eat vitamin-enriched food to strengthen the immune system. Eat the foods that are rich in Vitamin C, such as kiwis, citrus fruits, bell peppers, broccoli, berries, tomatoes, dark leafy greens, papayas and peas to fight the viral attack. Prefer to eat organic fruits and vegetables to avoid shingles
Food to Avoid: Do not eat foods that will weaken your immune system, such as fried and junk food, processed foods, meat, refined flour, etc.  Also, avoid eating spicy food as it may worsen the condition.
Give Rest to Your Body: Shingles affects your skin, but at the same time it makes your body weak. So give ample amount of rest to your body to prepare itself well to fight the virus that causes shingles. Give at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep to your body.
Maintain a Hygiene Routine: Keep yourself and the surrounding area clean to check the spreading of the virus. Clean yourself properly.
Drink Water: It is suggested to drink plenty of water to remove the toxins from your body, which in a way helps to maintain the immune system.
Exercise Daily: Also do workout at least 3 times in a week to strengthen your immune system.
Now, I am sure that you know very well how to cure shingles. So use the home remedies and get rid of the shingles and the pain.
Shingles do not pose any threat to your life, but becomes worse if not treated in time. So after using all these home remedies, if the situation does not come under your control, then consult a dermatologist to treat the condition.

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